There’s a short claymation show called ‘Prometheus and Bob‘ (wikipedia) on Nickelodeon that really amuses me. Prometheus is a smart alien that is trying to teach a dumb caveman, Bob. Bob is a very dumb and clueless caveman. Monkey is a chimp that normally is looking out for his own entertainment, it often likes to annoy Prometheus.
Each episode would follow Prometheus’s attempts to teach Bob a different thing; whether it be simple concepts like the wheel or using a spear, or more complex concepts such as bowling, farming and construction, in the end Bob would come out as primitive as he was in the beginning.
It’s truly a classic show because it can be understood by nearly anyone in the world, there’s no language barrier, and the message from most shorts is universal.
Most PnB episodes are available for download at and for stream viewing at Entertainment.ByIndia.