Startups Business Model Survey 2008

Recently, Vishal Sharma [] and I decided to devote some of our time towards a dedicated blog portal covering technology startups and interviews with prominent people from IT, TeleComm and Green Tech. Vishal successfully led the Australian Startups Carnival []…

Deploy on Google's Infrastructure

With the announcement last night of Google App Engine [], it’s now literally possible to build your entire web app on top of Google’s vaunted infrastructure – the BigTable [], CPU cycles, and bandwidth – all courtesy Google. It has already been…

iAccelerator Seed Funding

The other day I was reading an article on Rediff, “Why can’t Indians build a great product in India? []“. It got me thinking about the scale of impact that strategies like seed funding []…

Brain Rules

Most of us have no idea what’s really going on inside our heads. How do we learn? What exactly do sleep and stress do to our brains? Why is multi-tasking a myth? Why is it so easy to forget – and so important to repeat new knowledge? With the Brain…

DaaS, the cousin

Earlier, I wrote about the SaaS [] (Software as a Service) model of software application delivery, and it drew the attention of Lars Leckie [] who writes about SaaS, and more recently wrote about DaaS (Data as a Service)…

Pain in the SaaS

Ben Yoskovitz shares his experience with SaaS [] (Software as a Service), in which he suggests that vendors should charge their customers monthly, or offer discounts for longer term commitments. In my opinion, a more efficient option will be to offer a PAYG…

Simplicity hurts

The KISS principle [] (“keep it simple, stupid”) is not new to the tech world. It’s the basis of many successful innovations. The principle is somewhat similar to Occam’s razor [] (“entities should not be…

10 Emerging Technologies 2008

Technology Review (published by MIT) presents a list of 10 technologies [] that they think are most likely to change the way we live. From Offline Web Applications to Graphene Transistors, most of the stuff is darn interesting.…