My New Laptop

Disclaimer: The following article is based on my personal opinion, and it highlights my own experience, views, and observations. It is not sponsored or endorsed by any commercial organization. I’m not a representative for HP computers, nor do I sell laptops. I was contemplating on buying a new laptop…

Internet Explorer 7 is out

Internet Explorer 7 [] is out! A bid to catchup with Firefox in terms of web browser security, but IE7 falls short [] just after a day since launch.…

Nokia Shorts 2006

I wrote about mobile short films [] in brief last year. This year, the Nokia Shorts 2006 [] competition (15 second mobile handset-shot films) has announced the finalists of the Handset category. The shorts are also now screening…

Palm Treo 680

Since I’ve been using the Palm Treo 600 [] for a while now and loving this “retro smartphone”, I thought I’d mention that Palm has announced an all new Treo 680 smartphone [] (after…

Yahoo RSS-to-Mail

Yahoo has launched a RSS to Email [] delivery service for mobile notification. More info … []…

Gmail MP3 Player

Looks like Gmail [] now has an integrated MP3 player! It enables users to listen to audio attachments in a streaming mode without downloading the whole file. Ubercool!…

Save electricity by hoarding it

In the May 2006 issue of Fortune Small Business, there was this great article [] on how, inspired by TiVo [], one company decided to create a device (GridPoint Protect […


MappedUp (fullscreen) [] is an awesome News-Map!…