Shopping Search By Color writes about a cool feature in the shopping space []: “It’s great to see companies adding cool, innovative features in the shopping space! First it was Etsy, then it was ShopWiki, now Become has entered the search by color arena.…

Firefox 2 released a day early

Firefox 2 [] released a day early! What’s new [] in this release? Don’t know where, but I read that Firefox is upto 6 times faster than IE7 and…

Google Custom Search Engine

Google Co-op Custom Search Engine [] allow anyone to simply roll their own vertical search engine, much like Rollyo [].…


Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Release Candidate 1 [] was out sometime back.…

IIS 7 has a new home – Microsoft Internet Information Services 7 [] has a new home. Loads of neat content there.…


ASP.NET AJAX version 1.0 Beta Released []. AJaX is a free framework for quickly creating a new generation of more efficient, more interactive and highly-personalized Web experiences that work across all the most popular browsers.…

Google Maps for Palm Treo

Since I’ve been using a Treo [] lately, I thought I’d mention that Google Maps service is now available for Palm Treo [].…