A new face for Skype
Skype 3.0 (beta) [http://share.skype.com/sites/en/2006/11/a_new_face_for_30.html] looks awesome with come serious UI makeover, along with a host of new features.…
Skype 3.0 (beta) [http://share.skype.com/sites/en/2006/11/a_new_face_for_30.html] looks awesome with come serious UI makeover, along with a host of new features.…
.NET Framework 3.0 is officially released [http://www.netfx3.com/blogs/news_and_announcements/archive/2006/11/06/.NET-Framework-3.0-has-been-released_2100_.aspx] to the general public, and Windows Vista is due for release on 30th january 2007 [http://edition.cnn.com/2006/TECH/ptech/11/08/windows.vista.ap/…
“50% Silicon Valley firms are run by Indians” [http://www.rediff.com/money/2006/nov/08inter.htm], tells Raghav Kher, founder and CEO, Seventymm [http://www.seventymm.com/] – India’s first online movie rental service. The term “coolie valley” was coined [http://www.google.com/search?q=%22coolie+valley%22]…
Just found that Google released a Project Hosting [http://code.google.com/hosting/] service for open source / sandbox project deployments at Google Code – something like SourceForge [http://www.sf.net].…
The Box Game [] is said to be the world’s most addictive game. U.S. Air Force pilots have been known to average a score of more than 60 seconds. Sweet!…
Media Convert [http://media-convert.com/convert/index.php] is a free online digital media convertor for over 150 file formats. Amazing stuff!…
I’ve finally updated the blog to WordPress [http://www.wordpress.org] 2.0.4 (latest). I was earlier running version 1.5 with a custom mod of the Orange Sky theme and a couple of plugins. The update process [http://codex.wordpress.org/Upgrading_WordPress] was quite straight-forward (files,…
Is the “free software [http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html]” revolution a myth or a temporary trend? I don’t think so. Being a technology evangelist myself, who’s been involved in software usage & construction for over 10 years, I feel that “free software” has a tremendous…