Google rains on StumbleUpon

News breaks that eBay is acquiring StumbleUpon [] for $40ish million, and on the same day Google announces that they are building strikingly similar functionality (i.e. serendipitous website discovery) into their Toolbar. Given the timing, Om Malik says this is Google lashing out at StumbleUpon and…

JavaScript Updates in Firefox 3.0a3

John Resig highlights the JavaScript Updates in Firefox 3.0a3 []. I often wonder how promising Firefox has made the “web browser”, which has gradually evolved into a self-contained application host like an operating system. IE might dominate the user-base for now, but Firefox dominates the…

Why are geeks often atheist?

“Geeks have conditioned themselves to think logically, just as the religious have been conditioned to replace logic with trust in what they are told. What can be extracted from this is that geeks are not atheists simply because they may know “more” but also because they choose to think differently…

Green text on yellow works the best

A web page readability study reveals that the combination which gives the fastest response time is italicized green Times New Roman on yellow background (well not actually bright yellow). More … []…

Five Ajax anti-patterns

A counter-argument to doing too little on the server is doing too much on the server. Ajax is often a balancing act. A special coverage by IBM on five Ajax anti-patterns []. There’s also an article on five Ajax design patterns [http:…


Who doesn’t get annoyed with those unsolicited messages on mortgage, viagra and other strange medicines in their mailbox? And while, nearly two thirds of all email is spam [], and while, between 2005 and 2006, the number of unsolicited e-mails…

Coolest thing you can do in IE!

Ok, I use IE a bit, although I’m a huge FireFox [] fan, simply because FF kicks some cool Greasemonkey [] a**. But here’s one trick (or a hack if you wanna call it; who know’s if its an easter egg)…