Total customer experience

Blogging has emerged from simply being personal journals to a key business news and knowledge management tool today. It’s no surprise that so many companies and Internet services use blogs to keep their users/customers informed. Bloggers are changing the way news and information travel across the globe. Relatively,…

State of Broadband in Australia

There’s more customers per square mile across the entire USA than in Australia, by a factor of twenty or more. Extrapolate that, and it means (roughly) that every kilometer of copper or fibre laid down costs Oz customers [] twenty times…

Largest Solar Panel Corporate Installation

In October 2006, Google launched the largest solar panel installation to date on a corporate campus in the United States. And In the last 24 hours, Google produced 9,900 kilowatt-hours of electricity from the sun, equivalent to 82,500 hours of flat screen TV watching. More … […

Online social participation

A nice chart of who participates online, and what they’re doing [] – data from Forrester Research.…

Wireless Electricity, dubbed "WiTricity"

What if electricty could be transmitted wirelessly? Researchers from MIT have developed a wireless energy transfer technology [] that could ensure wireless devices are always charged up and ready to go. The concept behind the technology is simple…

Network Advertising Initiative

Using the NAI Opt-out Tool [], you can examine your computer to see which ad networks have placed a cookie file on your PC, and opt-out of these advertising programs. Note: Opting out of a network does not mean you will no longer…

Three Monkeys of Test-Driven Development

Test-driven development (TDD []), is an evolutionary approach to software development, in which you write a test before you write just enough production code to fulfill that test. The simple goal of TDD is to write clean code that works. Due to this fact,…

How to build a Web 2.0 site for 12k?

Guy Kaswasaki writes about his experience in building and launching [] – Truemors [], an online social media site, at a cost of 12k, without any VC backing. And eventually the site receives 260k page views on the first day.…