Services and Processes

Another great overview article by Don Box [] on the Services and Processes [] > “To get code to run on Windows, you need a process from the OS. To get managed code to…

Services and Communications

A great overview article by Don Box [] on the Services and Communications [] > “We currently give you three “full-featured” ways to send a message from one process to another: MSMQ, DCOM, HTTP.…

Java Service Wrapper

I’ve been working on a Java project lately and one of the things I needed to do with it was run the (cross-platform) server application as a Service on Windows and as a Daemon on *nix. I looked around to find a stable and cross-platform solution to it and…

Java Issues & Directions

Java Issues & Directions []. A RealMedia stream to the presentation by Bruce Eckel on the past, present and future of the Java language, and an overview of its limitations (all programming languages have a few 😉…

Refactoring C# Code using VS.NET 2005

Refactoring C# Code using Visual Studio .NET 2005 [] by Andrew W. Troelsen. [via Duncan Mackenzie []]…

Wall Gantt

Brian Vargas [] shares the idea of a “wall gantt” []. So what is a “wall gantt”? Quite simply, it’s a giant Gantt chart [], constructed using paper and string, plastered on an entire wall.…