The Anti-Social Network

“Do feelings of deprivation drive entrepreneurs and economies?,” asks Rosabeth Moss Kanter [], a professor at Harvard Business School. After watching ‘The Social Network []‘ one evening this week, I was left with feelings of inspiration and…

How to Make a Choice Without Choosing?

We have so many choices these days, and so little time to make a choice. From the choice of the right breakfast cereal to the choice of the right health insurance, we are trapped in an endless spiral of everyday choices. Last night, I watched a TEDGlobal talk by Sheena…

Parenting Isn't About Being Happier

Michael Levine once said, “Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist.” While some may own but hate a piano, a pianist only has true gratification and unconditional love for it. A recent article in the New York Magazine, titled “All Joy…

6 Ideas Off My Chest

For the past few months I’ve been sitting on some ideas (for Web applications) that I’ve scribbled here & there. I’m working on a few (not listed here) in my spare time, but realistically I won’t be able to work on all of them. So I…

Things I Learnt This Year

Another year has nearly come to an end. A new decade is set to begin. It’s amazing how time just whisks away. What’s also amazing is how much we can learn about ourself in time just by paying a little more attention to that sound in our head.…

Void Sound Of A Void Monk

I’ve been relaxing and trying to make the most of my holidays for the past few days. It’s amazing how much you can get done when in the right frame of mind. While doing some coding in my spare time lately, I’ve had a strong craving for…

The Teacher Will Appear

> When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This beautiful Buddhist proverb is a true declaration of an open mind, a mind of a learner. Ever since I heard this proverb, I often wondered if it reflected more than what meets the eye. A few years ago, I…

The Glass Is Already Broken

> “You see this goblet?” asks Achaan Chaa, the Thai meditation master. “For me this glass is already broken. I enjoy it; I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring…