Longhorn and Whidbey Preview for MSDN Subscribers

MSDN Operating Systems, Professional, Enterprise, and Universal subscribers can request [http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/longhorn/productinfo/] a set of the software that will be distributed at the Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2003 (PDC), including the preview versions of Longhorn, the Longhorn SDK, and Microsoft Visual Studio code-named “Whidbey.”…

Interviews from PDC

Radio Interviews with .NET techies from PDC [http://www.sys-con.com/dotnet/radio2003/interviews.cfm] via SYS-CON [http://www.sys-con.com/] Radio.…

Avalon Screen Saver Contest and Longhorn Installation Tips

XAML [http://longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/?//longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/lhsdk/core/overviews/about%20xaml.aspx] != [http://wesnerm.blogs.com/net_undocumented/2003/10/markupbased_ui.html] XUL [http://www.mozilla.org/projects/xul/]??!?! [http://longhornblogs.com/rdawson/posts/496.aspx] Avalon Screen Saver Contest Info [http://longhornblogs.com/avalonscreensavercontest/…

Longhorn Development Center and XAML

The Longhorn Developer Center [http://msdn.microsoft.com/longhorn/] @ MSDN is live as expected [http://weblogs.asp.net/ashben/posts/30864.aspx]. And so is the Longhorn SDK [http://longhorn.msdn.microsoft.com/]. Scott Hanselman [http://www.hanselman.com/blog/] moblogs (cool term, for mobile/handheld blogging) from PDC – “They’…

Thread Isolator

While reading an article at CodeProject [http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/AmThreader.asp], I came across?AmThreader [http://www.amplefile.com/] -?a code generator for “converting any singlethreaded .NET class to a multithreaded one”. However, what it actually does is create a class wrapper for any .NET class (not…

Inno Setup

Inno Setup [http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php] 4.0.9 has been released.?I use and recommend it for packaging & deployment of Windows desktop and client applications.?Its scripting based compiler system provides a lot of flexibility. And, it is?open source (Borland Delphi). A few colleagues at…


Gaurav Khanna [http://www.wintoolzone.com/] has published some very cool .NET articles, applications, components, presentations, source code, tips and web services on his web site – WinToolZone.com [http://www.wintoolzone.com/] (under the .NET menu option). He has also been working on extensions and enhancements [http://opsupport.sscli.net/…

Free ASP.NET Training

Free ASP.NET training [http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/hosteronsites/] sessions are scheduled in the month of October and November 2003 in New York, Florida and Virginia. A great offer indeed! I just wish such events were also held (atleast occasionally) in Europe and Asia – where there’s a growing…