How .NET generics work?
How .NET generics work? []…
How .NET generics work? []…
CopySourceAsHtml [] is a tool that allows you to copy selected source code to the clipboard as syntax highlighted HTML. Right-click in the VS.NET code editor and select “Copy Source as HTML …”. Useful for blogging, writing…
Why We Need a Second Moore’s Law [] by Roland Piquepaille.…
Max Table size in MySQL [] (notes and tips). Did someone say 4GB? By the way, world’s largest retail data-warehouse [,1759,1677521,00.asp] is at Wal-Mart – more than 500 terabytes in size!…
A Comparative Overview of C# []. An interesting read for a Java/C++ perspective.…
Thinking About Outsourcing []?! [via Brad DeLong] > And, conversely, consider India. Put 10 million people in India to work at $26,000 a year providing white-collar services to the industrial core, and you have boosted India’s standard of living… [], Your Enlightened Guide to Airplane Seating…