
With FeedMap [http://www.feedmap.net/BlogMap/] you can geo-code your blog, browse already geo-coded blogs and search for blogs in the blogosphere.…

Windows Error Reporting Data

“What happens to all the crashes in programs not written by Microsoft that are submitted via Windows Error Reporting? Microsoft still collects and indexes them, and vendors can sign up to gain access to the error reporting database [http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/maintain/StartWER.mspx] to see the crashes…

Google News gets Syndication

Google News gets RSS and Atom feeds [http://news.com.com/Google+News+gets+RSS+and+Atom+feeds/2100-1038_3-5825454.html] . There seems to be some problems with the Atom feed [http://news.google.com/nwshp?ned=us&topic=t&output=atom] though. I remember writing a PHP…


I’ve had it with Windows Notepad! It sucks – poor character encoding, missing characters, lousy undo’s etc. I’ve now replaced Notepad [http://blogs.msdn.com/omars/archive/2004/04/30/124093.aspx] with Notepad2 [http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html], making it the default text editor (basically I…


ActiveSkype [http://www.khaoslabs.com/index.php?page=skypeapi] is a COM wrapper around the Skype API [http://share.skype.com/sdp]…


Koders [http://koders.com/] – Source Code Search Engine…


20Q [http://www.20q.net/] is an experiment in artificial intelligence (learning system). Think of an object and 20Q would quess it in 20 questions. I played with it a bit and it seems to work quite well.…