Ten MIT Lessons

Gian-Carlo Rota shares 10 Lessons of an MIT Education [http://www.math.tamu.edu/~cyan/Rota/mitless.html]. A must read, even if you don’t know what MIT [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massachusetts_Institute_of_Technology] is! My favorite of the lot: By and large, “knowing how” matters…

Simple Authentication for the Web

Automated email-based password reestablishment (EBPR) is an efficient, cost-effective means to deal with forgotten passwords. Simple Authentication for the Web (SAW) [http://isrl.cs.byu.edu/pubs/pp1001.pdf] [pdf] improves upon this basic approach to user authentication to create an alternative to password-based logins.…

For the first time in 10,000 years ...

Farming, invented around 8000 BC, quickly dominated human activity and has continued to for some 10,000 years. However, for the first time since then, farming is not the dominating industry. Peter Magnusson ponders [http://petersmagnusson.com/2007/09/04/for-the-first-time-in-10000-years-farming-is-not-the-dominating-industry/] ……

Best places to do business in the wired world

Business travelers are as likely to find themselves in Seoul or Bangalore as they are on Sand Hill Road. But where to meet, eat and check e-mail? Not to worry. CNN Money’ city-by-city list [http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2007/biz2/0708/gallery.roadwarriorsspecial.biz2//index.html] details the best…

The Spoilt IT Industry in India

Gaurav Bhatnagar writes about the internals of the Indian IT Industry [http://www.newdelhitimes.org/archives/2007/08/who_has_the_tim.html], “for an industry to grow at a healthy pace, an unemployment rate of higher than 7-8% is needed.” The media may paint a rosy picture as it…


Now that Sun has changed their stock ticker symbol from SUNW to JAVA, Om Malik suggests ten other companies [http://gigaom.com/2007/08/23/10-companies-that-should-change-their-tickers-too/] that should change their tickers. By the way, Om was just named one of the 50 most influential Indian Americans [http://www.rediff.com/…

Who Would The World Elect

If world politics was a truely open global forum, Who would the world elect for the President of the United States? [http://www.whowouldtheworldelect.com/] Seems like its Obama all the way!…

Google AdSense Alternatives

A good list of Contextual Advertising programs [http://netprofitstoday.com/_resources/google-adsense-alternatives.html] which can be used as Google AdSense [http://adsense.google.com] alternatives. I tried Chitika sometime back but it didn’t yield good results. For now, I’m just using Adsense and Pheedo [http://pheedo.com], and…