Wolfenstein 5K

Wolfenstein 5K [http://www.wolf5k.com/#] – A fun first-person 3D shooting game in 5k of JavaScript. Now *this* is small code!…

Yahoo Launchcast Radio

IMO, one of the really cool features of the new Yahoo Messenger is the in-built Launchcast Radio. Its a live radio channel with lots of audio streaming radio stations (by genres) with all the latest music. The sound quality is excellent. I was in the mood for some R&…

Your truely on HT

Recently I wrote an e-mail to Deepak Mankar, who writes an interesting “blog-like” story collection on the new economy called QuiteATake [http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/7170_0,00030007.htm] over at HindustanTimes.com (online portal of one of India’s largest daily newspaper). I had suggested Deepak that QuiteATake…

Wi-Fi Hotspots in Melbourne

WiFinder [http://www.wifinder.com] reports that there are 94 Wi-Fi hotspots in Melbourne [http://www.wifinder.com/searchresults.php?loc=&add=&city=melbourne&st=Any&zip=&country=Australia&tfree=yes&tpaid=yes&protocol=1&x=30&y=2] (free…

Red Inc.

My childhood friend Rony (Selwyn Lal) has made us all really proud of him. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Red Inc. Studios [http://www.redincstudios.com/] *tada*. All music produced & engineered by Selwyn Lal of Red, Inc. (Illinois). I love all the four songs produced as yet.…