Coolest thing you can do in IE!

Ok, I use IE a bit, although I’m a huge FireFox [] fan, simply because FF kicks some cool Greasemonkey [] a**. But here’s one trick (or a hack if you wanna call it; who know’s if its an easter egg)…

Developer Cheat Sheets

Databases: MySQL Cheat Sheet [] MySQL Reference List [] SQL Server Cheat Sheet [] SQL Server 2005 Commands [] Programming: ASP/VBScript Cheat Sheet [http://www.…

Avoiding JavaScript Memory Leaks

> You may not know it, but almost every site you visit that uses JavaScript is leaking memory. That may sound like an exaggeration, but it’s true. With so many of the so called Web 2.0 [] sites using Ajax [http://en.…

Personal Computer in a Pen?

At first, it looks like a pick from a sci-fi show or a Bond movie, but can it possibly be true that the cumbersome desktop, or even a laptop, may someday be replaced by a set of pen-like computing gadgets that fit neatly in your pocket? The innovative folks at…

Web-based SQL Designer

JavaScript and AJAX are gaining wide-spread audience, and lots of creative applications are emerging from this set of client-side technologies. For instance, checkout this cool SQL Designer [] totally written in DHTML/JavaScript. It has plenty of expert features including schema import & export.…

AJAX Design Patterns

I’ve been working on an ASP.NET project which requires quite a bit of client interactivity, so I’m leaning towards AJAX, and its turning out quite well so far. During the course of research I stumpled upon this neat collection of design patterns and frameworks for AJAX [http:…

The Future of Online Games

The digital games industry is booming. It’s expected that the video game market will reach $42-44 bln by 2011 []. It’s also being said that 89% of casual gamers are 30+ years old []…