It's Time to Tap the World's Biggest Marketplace

Imagine a global marketplace with: * roughly 34 million potential customers just a click away, * a user growth rate of 3% week over week, * over 47,000 college, high-school, employee, and regional networks, * no distribution costs involved, * no investment required (except time-to-build), * no marketing costs involved to jump-start, * minimal time-to-delivery, * no…

Make Your Own Good Luck

When Napoleon was asked if he preferred courageous generals or brilliant generals, he replied neither. He preferred lucky generals. So, how do you get lucky? Here are 7 Ways to Make Your Own Good Luck []…

Does the West innovate more?

So I’ve been unwell for the past 3-4 days, and it feels like I’m under house arrest. There’s the Twenty20 Cricket [] World Cup (which btw is becoming more like baseball in terms of ambience) on TV, but besides that I’ve…

For the first time in 10,000 years ...

Farming, invented around 8000 BC, quickly dominated human activity and has continued to for some 10,000 years. However, for the first time since then, farming is not the dominating industry. Peter Magnusson ponders [] ……

Best places to do business in the wired world

Business travelers are as likely to find themselves in Seoul or Bangalore as they are on Sand Hill Road. But where to meet, eat and check e-mail? Not to worry. CNN Money’ city-by-city list [] details the best…

Millionaires Who Don’t Feel Rich

What will you do with a million dollars? Take a world trip? Buy you dream car, or a condo by the beach? Maybe donate for a good cause, or change the world? A million dollars can have a billion reasons. Well, many years ago, during the dotcom wave, I was…

The Spoilt IT Industry in India

Gaurav Bhatnagar writes about the internals of the Indian IT Industry [], “for an industry to grow at a healthy pace, an unemployment rate of higher than 7-8% is needed.” The media may paint a rosy picture as it…


Now that Sun has changed their stock ticker symbol from SUNW to JAVA, Om Malik suggests ten other companies [] that should change their tickers. By the way, Om was just named one of the 50 most influential Indian Americans […