They Rule

They Rule [] allows you to create maps of the interlocking directories of the top companies in the US in 2004.…

Thinking About Outsourcing

Thinking About Outsourcing []?! [via Brad DeLong] > And, conversely, consider India. Put 10 million people in India to work at $26,000 a year providing white-collar services to the industrial core, and you have boosted India’s standard of living…

Google SMS to Bangalore

Google SMS [] (Short Message Service) enables you to easily get precise answers to specialized queries from your mobile phone or device. Currently the service is available in USA only. Larry and Sergey [] recently hinted [http://australianit.…

Interesting Diagrams

Interesting Diagrams [] – How all the countries of the world are connected to each other, Hebrew Bible, Descendants of Adam in Genesis, Wall Street scandals etc.…