Yahoo! buys

Yahoo! buys []. Om Malik has more scoop on it [].…

10 tips to manage a global project

A recent study shows 90 per cent of large companies are engaged in global projects. Ironically less than one third of them have effective, established practices to help project managers and team members communicate, collaborate and coordinate with each other. Read on 10 tips to manage a global project [http:…

Gates India

While on his four-day visit to India, Bill Gates may increase investment in India [], besides reviewing the progress of his $200 million HIV/AIDS initiative in the country.…

How IT projects work?

A funny yet moderately realistic perspective to how IT projects generally work in some companies. Agile [] anyone? []…

The 70 Percent Solution

The 70 Percent Solution [,17863,1134713,00.html?promoid=rss], Google CEO Eric Schmidt gives us his golden rules for managing innovation … “Spend 70 percent of your time on the core business, 20 percent on related projects, and 10 percent on unrelated…

Ten Rules for Web Startups

Ten Rules for Web Startups [] [via Tejas [] ]…