Moonlight as an Entrepreneur

Continuing from my previous article [] on the need & process of Entrepreneurship, there’s another interesting article titled “How to Moonlight as an Entrepreneur [;ei=5088&en=a5bfc5383337ee56&…

Coolie Valley

“50% Silicon Valley firms are run by Indians” [], tells Raghav Kher, founder and CEO, Seventymm [] – India’s first online movie rental service. The term “coolie valley” was coined []…

Shopping Search By Color writes about a cool feature in the shopping space []: “It’s great to see companies adding cool, innovative features in the shopping space! First it was Etsy, then it was ShopWiki, now Become has entered the search by color arena.…


MappedUp (fullscreen) [] is an awesome News-Map!…

Getting paid to blog?

Getting Paid To Write A Blog Post – Is This The Future? []…

Napoleonic Lessons for Google & Microsoft

Napoleonic Lessons for Google & Microsoft [] : Napoleon Bonaparte was arguably the most strategic mind set to war. As we shall see later, his strategic brilliance, however, is equally applicable to the competitive world of Business; and in this case, Microsoft’s rivalry…

How to build a Bulletproof Startup

How to build a Bulletproof Startup? [] Got a great idea? There’s never been a better time to turn it into a great company. Here’s a 16-step guide to help you do it right.…