.NET Rocks! Hosted by MSDN
.NET Rocks! [http://www.franklins.net/dotnetrocks.asp] now has a mirror repository?hosted?by MSDN [http://msdn.microsoft.com/dotnetrocks/]. http://msdn.microsoft.com/dotnetrocks/…
.NET Rocks! [http://www.franklins.net/dotnetrocks.asp] now has a mirror repository?hosted?by MSDN [http://msdn.microsoft.com/dotnetrocks/]. http://msdn.microsoft.com/dotnetrocks/…
John Lam (iunknown) [http://www.iunknown.com/] has developed a small utility that will diff two different sets of assemblies and calculate the diff between .NET v1.1 and v1.2 of the Frameworks. Check it out here [http://www.iunknown.com/000364.html] ……
The following two articles at MSDNAA [http://msdnaa.net/] are?pretty interesting: Use Design Patterns to Simplify the Relationship Between Menus and Form Elements in .NET [http://msdnaa.net/Resources/display.aspx?ResID=2337] – In Windows Forms applications, similar commands, such as those in a menu and their counterparts on…
Radio Interviews with .NET techies from PDC [http://www.sys-con.com/dotnet/radio2003/interviews.cfm] via SYS-CON [http://www.sys-con.com/] Radio.…
While reading an article at CodeProject [http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/AmThreader.asp], I came across?AmThreader [http://www.amplefile.com/] -?a code generator for “converting any singlethreaded .NET class to a multithreaded one”. However, what it actually does is create a class wrapper for any .NET class (not…
Gaurav Khanna [http://www.wintoolzone.com/] has published some very cool .NET articles, applications, components, presentations, source code, tips and web services on his web site – WinToolZone.com [http://www.wintoolzone.com/] (under the .NET menu option). He has also been working on extensions and enhancements [http://opsupport.sscli.net/…
Free ASP.NET training [http://www.microsoft.com/serviceproviders/hosteronsites/] sessions are scheduled in the month of October and November 2003 in New York, Florida and Virginia. A great offer indeed! I just wish such events were also held (atleast occasionally) in Europe and Asia – where there’s a growing…
In his latest article [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2003/10/17.html], Joel Spolsky [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/] refers to the Empower Program for ISVs [http://members.microsoft.com/partner/isv/empower/default.aspx]: “If you’re a software company willing to commit to developing software for any variant…