Why not to use @@identity in TSQL?

Travis Laborde [http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/travisl/] has a great tip on why not to use @@identity [http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/travisl/posts/405.aspx] in TSQL code and use scope_identity() [http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/tsqlref/ts_sa-ses_6n8p.asp] instead. BTW, the…

.NET Rocks! Hosted by MSDN

.NET Rocks! [http://www.franklins.net/dotnetrocks.asp] now has a mirror repository?hosted?by MSDN [http://msdn.microsoft.com/dotnetrocks/]. http://msdn.microsoft.com/dotnetrocks/…

High-end Backend

Werner Vogels [http://weblogs.cs.cornell.edu/AllThingsDistributed/] has gathered some interesting notes [http://weblogs.cs.cornell.edu/AllThingsDistributed/archives/000280.html] on the backend architecture of some largely complex and distributed database-driven systems like those at eBay, Merrill Lynch, Swab, NASDAQ etc.…

Interviews from PDC

Radio Interviews with .NET techies from PDC [http://www.sys-con.com/dotnet/radio2003/interviews.cfm] via SYS-CON [http://www.sys-con.com/] Radio.…


Gaurav Khanna [http://www.wintoolzone.com/] has published some very cool .NET articles, applications, components, presentations, source code, tips and web services on his web site – WinToolZone.com [http://www.wintoolzone.com/] (under the .NET menu option). He has also been working on extensions and enhancements [http://opsupport.sscli.net/…

Joel on Developers and Exceptions

In his latest article [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2003/10/17.html], Joel Spolsky [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/] refers to the Empower Program for ISVs [http://members.microsoft.com/partner/isv/empower/default.aspx]: “If you’re a software company willing to commit to developing software for any variant…

Run .NET Code from SQL Stored Procedures

The CLR Proc Container [http://www.turtlenecksoftware.com/] is free software that enhances the capabilities of SQL Server stored procedures by opening a door to the .NET world. Code written in any .NET language can be invoked from stored procedures, providing stored procedures all the functionality of the full .NET…

Rules to Better .NET Projects

Rules to Better .NET Projects [http://www.ssw.com.au/SSW/Standards/Rules/RulestoBetterdotNETProjects.aspx] by SSW.com.au. Some basic but interesting?points discussed there. Some other SSW rules worth reading: Successful Projects [http://www.ssw.com.au/SSW/Standards/Rules/RulestoSuccessfulProjects.aspx], Better Code [http://www.ssw.com.…