SQL Jobs Auto-backup

A few days back, my friend Pankaj was enquiring about a particular case where he needed to automate the backup (in the form of SQL scripts) of all SQL Jobs (schedules) on a SQL Server (2000). DTS doesn’t support automatic scripting of SQL Jobs from what I could tell.…

Signal-to-Noise #9

* dotText pre-0.96 – Two new features (among others), Search [http://scottwater.com/dottextsourcetree/browse.aspx?f=C:SitesDottextSourceDottext.Search] and ScheduledEvents [http://scottwater.com/dottextsourcetree/browse.aspx?f=C:SitesDottextSourceDottext.FrameworkScheduledEvents] ,?in dotText (pre-0.96) [http://scottwater.com/blog/archive/2004/02/01/Pre096.aspx] that I’ll be?going…

Signal-to-Noise #8

* Code Reviews – Sample chapters [#2 [http://www.processimpact.com/reviews_book/chapter_2.pdf] and #6 [http://www.processimpact.com/reviews_book/chapter_6.pdf]] from Karl Weiger [http://www.processimpact.com/]s’ book on Code Reviews. [via Joseph Cooney [http://dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/JosephCooney/posts/6397.aspx]] * Web Services…

Signal-to-Noise #7

* A new version (4.1.3) of Inno Setup [http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php] (an application installer & setup creation tool that I use quite frequently [http://weblogs.asp.net/ashben/archive/2003/10/25/33443.aspx]) has been released with an all-new Explorer-like folder browser. * With Visual Studio…

Signal-to-Noise #6

* Sample chapters (Part 1 [http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/excerpt/ado.netckbk_chap01/index.html] and Part 2 [http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/excerpt/ado.netckbk_chap01/index1.html] ) from O’Reilly’s ADO.NET Cookbook [http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/adonetckbk/] * Ted Neward shares his…

Matisse Database

Yesterday I posted a line [http://weblogs.asp.net/ashben/archive/2004/01/29/64327.aspx] on the Matisse Database [http://www.matisse.com/], said to be The Ultimate .NET Database [http://www.matisse.com/pdf/product_information/Whitepapers/DotNETarticle.pdf] (PDF). Comments [http://weblogs.asp.net/ashben/archive/2004/…

Signal-to-Noise #5

* The Unofficial Microsoft Weblog [http://microsoft.weblogsinc.com/] * Now we?know a little more about “Microsoft Venus” [http://www.iunknown.com/000398.html] (i.e. ASP.NET 2.0). * Matisse 6 [http://www.matisse.com/]: The Ultimate .NET Database [http://www.matisse.com/pdf/product_information/Whitepapers/DotNETarticle.pdf] (PDF)…

Signal-to-Noise #4

* Open Source Testing [http://www.opensourcetesting.org/] is a compendium of 138 open source testing tools, including unit testing, feature testing, performance testing, bug tracking, the whole gamut. If you’re considering building some testing infrastructure, you should spend some time looking around here first. [via Ned Batchelder [http://www.…