Sound of a Generation

Before I start with this post, let me just quickly bind the foreword by saying that these words are not a rant. It’s about the youth — they’ll lead my words!

In year 1962 a certain recording company by the name Decca rejected the “sound” of a young band, vaguely contemplating, “we don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.”

Never-the-less, the band went on, to become “The Beatles”. And rest is history. Please don’t discard the sound of a generation as white noise!

Menwhopause , CD Cover

Being the enthusiastic devotee I am to rock music, I also keep an eye on the Indian rock scene. Among the new breed of bands originating from all over the country, is one called “Advaita” (and there seems to be a relation between the philosophical and metaphysical states of advaita). Now, I’m a huge fan of these guys, as I am of other desi rock bands like Phenom, TAAQ, Cognac, Them Clones, HFT etc.

The Advaita guys have released two new tracks on their web site: Why and Light (Acoustic Version). The sound is engulfing to say the least. Why …

Save me … I’m burnt
Don’t breathe … Run
Don’t know … Love

Why, is there darkness all around
Why, am I sinking in the quicksand
Why, does my soul lie bleeding
Why, am I sinking in the quicksand

We don’t … Know
Feel so … Torn
Don’t know … Love

Another ‘desi’ band (ok ok, no typecasts, only castism in the modern secular country – reservations anyone?!?! Anyways …) worth mentioning, that came to my attention today is “Menwhopause“. Their sound and style is unique as well. Pungent on the acoustics — guitar and drums — mellow as red wine! The Story Begins …

Dream a dream, sow a song.
Let words wrap, Let stories form.
Be it the old man, the young guy, or the child in pram.

Now the days seem longer,
Take too long to end.
Take this life’s trajectory,
All across the bend.

Keep it coming fellas! And while I’m on the young sound from a beautiful mystic land I was born in — let me shout out loud — please don’t prejudice against my own people! Coloured for this world or coloured for our self, among ourselves? Here’s a very thoughtful message (thanks to my cousin sis Ragini for forwarding it) from a young man who has courage in his voice …

As u all guys know that there have been lots of protests going on against the raise in reservations. All of us struggle for months and years to make our dreams come true; No body in the government is bothered about that. This new policy of govt ll be a major road block in the development of our nation and creation of a caste free society. I want to share some developments occurring here with respect to this issue.

Abt 2 weeks back the Students Union ( SU ) of AIIMS ( UGs and Interns ) started the protests. they held peaceful march. Their main demand was to meet Honbl. Arjun Singh and to express their concern regarding the hike in reservations. What they got in return. Water canons, tear gas shells and Lathis. Some of the interns who were beaten were my friends and i could see their injury marks. Worse, some were girls. Sad isnt it ? Well next few days due to their constant struggle they could get to meet Dr Arjun Singh. No positive response was obtained. He however promised that before sending the bill to cabinet, he would inform the SU.

The students continued to boycott their classes. Other medical colleges of delhi also joined. We Resident Doctors of AIIMS however were not actively participating. We wore black badges and attended few rallies.

12 th May saw a new beginning. Our medical students were brutally assaulted by Delhi police. Injured were brought to AIIMS. Fracture hand bone, head injury, blunt trauma abdomen with intra-abdominal bleed. 300 students were manhandled including girls, stuffed in buses and taken to police station. I remember the dialogue from RDB. This incident will prove to be a final nail in coffin for our Congress Govt. At around 3 pm the Resident Doctors Association ( RDA ) of AIIMS announced an indefinite strike. All Junior Residents ( Acad or Non-acad ) & Senior Residents boycotted. Protest rally was organized that day.

13 th may was the worst day in the history of our Indian Independence and so called Democracy. Medical Students of Mumbai were beaten like animals. Infact animals also are never treated like this. Every body would have witness the brutality of the Mumbai Police.17 – 18 year old medical students were beaten up. Future of our country treated like this?

And these are the same Police Men who come to our OPD and ask for peferential treatment. Shame on them. And listen to what Bhujbal said on TV. I thought we need a real RDB [Rang De Basanti] now. This incident triggered the suppressed fire in each and every individual. We at AIIMS went on INDEFINITE HUNGER STRIKE from 14 th morning joined by medical students from MAMC Delhi, Lady Harding, RML Hosp, Rohtak Medical College . Slowly the fire spread to diferent states of our country. You know what happened in B’lore. Calcutta, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Gujrat, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala boiled
in protests. Students of Delhi University ( BSc BCom…) also joined the strike.

The hunger strike in AIIMS continues. More than 100 students and residents are sitting in the heat since 14 th morning just on plain water. Believe me we slept in the open last night empty stomach. Its only when rain started pouring we had go inside the audi and slept there. The IMA has announced comlete medical bandh today ( 15 th may ). Doctors from all over delhi have come to AIIMS and are holding protests. IITs and IIMs have joined the strike. Even patients and their attenders were of full support towards this cause. One man said,” My father is admitted in NS department and is fighting for his life and death, but i declare that i have no objection with ur strike. I support ur movement and the cause for which u re fighting. Our country needed this.” All of us know what is right and what is wrong. Having said that i feel that each one of us should follow our conscience. I ve written this message because i felt there are many of who might not be aware of the exact situation. I request each one of u to please forward this to all ur friends, Medicos or Non-medicos. Every common man needs to be aware of the injustice and should be involved in this effort.

This Movement will be a revolution in our independent country and will be the most significant event after the British Rule. It ll be the cause for the rewriting of Indian Constitution where just and meritorious people are not singled out and put to taste the adversities and someone else enjoys the benefit. The government cannot hide its inadequacies in providing equal opportunities to the under priviliged in rural areas by increasing the reservations. They have ruled the country for so many decades and if in this time they are not able to provide equalilty in primary and secondary education for in dian citizens they cannot mask their failure by providing reservations at each and every level. Its ridiculous. The whole issue of reservations was a political gimmic of the present govt to garner

Its time that things are not taken for granted by any one. Let it be a senior minister police or anyone else. Whole of our nation needs to get aware of the amount of hardwork and sacrifice we put to achieve our dreams. We should not allow anyone to make a mockery of our struggle in future.

Please don’t discard the sound of a generation as white noise!