When the world closed its eyes, he opened his arms

I’ve always believed that one should “strive, and the rest will follow”. Do your bit of thinking and hard-work, and leave the results to time (destiny). But, more than often it also leaves a non-aggresive notion in us, because we often wait for the right moment to strive for…

Butterfly Effect of Social Networks

In 1963, meteorologist Edward Lorenz asked the question: Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas? Postulating the so called “Butterfly Effect [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect]“, the idea that the flapping of fragile wings could start a chain reaction…

dojo Javascript Toolkit

dojo [http://www.dojotoolkit.org/] is an open source Javascript toolkit. Checkout the examples/demos (see it in action link). A really cool widget library for web development.…

Coffee makes you say 'yes'

Research says coffee may make you say ‘yes’ [http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/coffee-makes-you-say-yes/2006/06/05/1149359676027.html] . Moderate amounts of the caffeine stimulant can increase people’s willingness to be persuaded. So watch your lip sip.…

Hardest Novels to Film

The Unfilmables: A List of the Hardest Novels to Film [http://www.screenhead.com/reviews/the-unfilmables-a-list-of-the-hardest-novels-to-film/]…