Best places to do business in the wired world

Business travelers are as likely to find themselves in Seoul or Bangalore as they are on Sand Hill Road. But where to meet, eat and check e-mail? Not to worry. CNN Money’ city-by-city list [] details the best…

Millionaires Who Don’t Feel Rich

What will you do with a million dollars? Take a world trip? Buy you dream car, or a condo by the beach? Maybe donate for a good cause, or change the world? A million dollars can have a billion reasons. Well, many years ago, during the dotcom wave, I was…

How can Google beat Facebook with one checkbox?

Social networking is big business to say the least. Investors, VC’s and major companies have eyes on these social systems. Millions of people around the world share messages and interact daily with their friends on social utilities like Facebook, MySpace, Orkut etc. Social networking site, Facebook [http://www.facebook.…

The Spoilt IT Industry in India

Gaurav Bhatnagar writes about the internals of the Indian IT Industry [], “for an industry to grow at a healthy pace, an unemployment rate of higher than 7-8% is needed.” The media may paint a rosy picture as it…


Now that Sun has changed their stock ticker symbol from SUNW to JAVA, Om Malik suggests ten other companies [] that should change their tickers. By the way, Om was just named one of the 50 most influential Indian Americans […

Shifting time to conserve energy

While I was browsing some national news, I came across an interesting piece on a scientific proposal [,008700010013.htm] made by a group of scientists in India. They have suggested pushing the Indian Standard Time (IST, viz GMT +5:30) by half-an-hour to…

A fable from the Himalayas

> There may be more to learn from climbing the same mountain a hundred times than by climbing a hundred different mountains. The director [] of this short film on Global Warming [], choose to make…

Who Would The World Elect

If world politics was a truely open global forum, Who would the world elect for the President of the United States? [] Seems like its Obama all the way!…